
Scottish Greens: Arts can help reinvigorate high streets

Arts and culture can play a key role in breathing new life into Scotland’s high streets as we emerge from the pandemic, the Scottish Greens will say today.

The party proposes Local Place Plans that would allow community-led planning to build great places and build stronger communities.

This includes supporting the repurposing of commercial properties into artist-led spaces such as studios, venues, cinemas, workshops and production facilities.

Commenting ahead of a visit to Fire Station Creative, an artist collective in Dunfermline, co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “Even before the pandemic hit Scotland, many high streets had far too many empty units as more and more shopping was done online.

“We need to rethink our town centres, so they become attractive places to be, and artists can play a huge role in a green recovery. As COVID restrictions ease and we get a chance to get together again there will be huge appetite for gigs and galleries. We need to let artists lead that.

“A green recovery means moving on from a broken economy that left whole communities behind. We can breathe new life into our town centres. Our future depends on it.”