
Scottish Greens back COSLA wellbeing call

The Scottish Greens have welcomed a call from COSLA to protect funding for local services that promote wellbeing.

COSLA have warned a reduction in the local government settlement in this year’s budget would have an impact on the wellbeing of citizens.

Responding, Scottish Greens parliamentary co-leader Alison Johnstone said: “COSLA are absolutely right to make this link between council funding and wellbeing. The Scottish Greens have always argued for a greater focus on prevention, and that means making sure local services are adequately funded.

“Thanks to our involvement in the Scottish budget in recent years we have stemmed the tide of SNP cuts in council funding and local authorities have been given more ways to raise funds, but the Scottish Government needs to go further to protect and grow the services which make us well, like libraries, parks and community activities.

“We also need to reach a point where we see social care differently, as a service fully integrated with the NHS. Despite the policy commitments, we’re still a long way from realising that.”