Scottish Greens pledge to defend diversity
Equalities legislation is under threat from Brexit and rising intolerance, the Scottish Greens have warned.
As well as surging hate crime in the UK following the Brexit vote, there have been calls to repeal the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act of 1998 from right wing groups across the UK.
The Scottish Greens are the only party to have all candidates pledge to protect LGBTI equality and human rights [1], and the party’s Women’s Network has launched a pledge of solidarity [2].
Speaking at a visit to the Fife Centre for Equalities in Kirkcaldy, Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “Looking at the sinister campaign and racist rhetoric from Nigel Farage and others, Brexit always has been about taking away rights and sowing division. We must not let that happen. We also need to resist attempts to split the equalities movement by those pretending trans people are a threat to women or wider society.
“Here in Fife it’s clear that the former SNP candidate, now suspended on grounds of antisemitism, cannot be a credible pro-equality MP for the Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath constituency. Anyone who opposes prejudice can vote for the Green candidate Scott Rutherford with confidence.
“To create a new Scotland that supports diversity and welcomes refugees and asylum seekers, we need to break with the UK’s direction of travel and look at international best practice. We need to ensure the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter are enshrined in UK and Scottish law.
“This general election has been characterised by intolerance. A vote for the Scottish Greens sends a clear signal that diversity and inclusion should be celebrated and defended, now more than ever.”
All 22 Scottish Green candidates in the general election have signed the Equality Network’s LGBTI Equality Pledge
The Scottish Green’s Women’s network has launched their Green Women’s Pledge, a declaration of recognition and support for the rights of all women including disabled women, women of colour, lesbian, bisexual and trans women.