
Scottish Greens respond to publication of NRS figures

Responding to the publication of National Record of Scotland figures showing that up until the 26th April 39% of deaths recorded have occurred in care homes, and 52% in hospitals, Scottish Greens Parliamentary Co-Leader Alison Johnstone MSP said:

“The figures published today represent a stark warning that there is a long way to go in the fight against Covid-19. It’s clear that the introduction of routine testing for care staff and hospital workers, regardless of whether they are showing symptoms, will help to detect cases early, reduce the spread of the virus and give those dedicated workers and the people they are caring for the extra protection that they deserve.

“The Scottish Government has yet to explain why it won’t accept my proposal to introduce the routine testing of health and care workers, and it continues to underuse its testing capacity. It’s time for Ministers’ to get serious about testing.”