
Scottish Greens secure better budget for Glasgow

Scottish Greens councillors have secured improvements to the Glasgow City Council budget which makes it greener and fairer.

The budget passed this afternoon should see a substantial, above-inflation increase in foster and kinship carers’ allowance, museums and libraries reopen, a free public transport trial, a citywide 20mph zone and a comprehensive ‘wildflower city’ plan.

Commenting, Scottish Green councillor Martha Wardrop said:

“Greens have delivered a budget for Glasgow that helps people with the cost of living, reopens more community venues and accelerates climate action.

“Glasgow’s valued foster and kinship carers have had their allowances frozen for a decade. We’ve set a clear expectation that they deserve a substantial, above inflation increase to sustain their vital work. We are also targeting up to £3 million to help those in greatest need with energy bills and other pressing needs.

“As well as confirming the funding which Greens previously secured to keep all local libraries open, we will allocate more than £1 million to reopen community centres and public halls, and £650k to reopen the much-loved St Mungo’s Museum and Provand’s Lordship.

“Finally, in responding to the climate and nature emergencies, our budget will design a free public transport pilot, increase recycling investment, and create a wildflower action plan for the whole city.

“Other parties are living in the past, with nothing new to offer. It’s Scottish Greens who have the ambition and ideas to move Glasgow forward. Green councillors get results.”