
Scottish Greens seek to reintroduce tail docking ban

Scottish Greens will bring forward a proposal to reverse the SNP’s “barbaric” decision to end the ban on docking puppy’s tails next week. 

Mid Scotland and Fife MSP Mark Ruskell will move an amendment to the Animals and Wildlife Bill when it is debated in parliament on Wednesday. 

Scottish Greens Environment Spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP said: 

“Tail docking is barbaric. 

“The SNP’s decision ditch the tail docking ban in 2017 was a dark day for animal welfare in Scotland. 

“Those who support this practice are stuck in the past. The amputation of thousands of puppies’ tails just to appease the bloodsports lobby is despicable. 

“Vets and animal welfare experts are clear that there is no scientific basis for tail docking, despite what its advocates claim. 

“Removing a puppy’s tail can cause behavioural change in the animal. We know it also causes pain.  

“My amendment will give MSPs the opportunity to correct the error made in 2017 and restore the ban. 

“Scotland cannot claim to be a world leader on animal welfare when it brutalises puppy dogs to appease the shooting lobby. 

“It’s time to reintroduce the ban.”