
SEPA takes legal action over Mossmorran flaring

Mossmorran flaring

SEPA have taken legal action over flaring by Exxon Mobil at Mossmorran chemical plant in Fife.

The agency is seeking prosecution over a six-day flaring incident in April 2019, just one of many incidents which have caused serious light, sound and air pollution to nearby residents in Cowdenbeath and Lochgelly.

Scottish Greens environment spokesperson and Fife MSP Mark Ruskell said: “This is a very welcome and unprecedented intervention by SEPA. The agency said it received more complaints over this flaring incident than any other environmental event in history, which reflects the level of suffering felt by those who have had to live in the shadow of this fossil fuel relic for years.

“I also heard from so many constituents during this time, families who endured six days of hell and more since, so I’m relieved that their voices have been heard and action taken. 

“If we are serious about the health and wellbeing of our communities, we need this kind of rigour from our environmental watchdog.”