
SNP government must confirm if it funds US police brutality 

Scottish Greens have called on the Scottish Government to confirm whether it has provided funding for companies involved in arming US police, who have been heaping violence on protesters in the states. 

Speaking at First Minister’s Questions, Greens Co-Leader Patrick Harvie MSP noted that the First Minister has previously told him that enterprise funding for the arms industry is provided to those in the blue light sector.

Patrick Harvie MSP said: 

“As if the pandemic wasn’t enough to deal with, the world is also watching with horror at events in the US, where systematic police brutality is being endorsed and encouraged by racism at the highest political level.

“We stand in solidarity with those who are taking to the streets in the US and around the world to express their anger and to make it clear that Black Lives Matter.

“The UK must stop all export licenses for security and policing equipment, to ensure that this country is not providing the tear gas, rubber bullets and riot gear currently being used against protesters, and journalists. 

“However, we know that the Scottish Government provides enterprise funding for the arms industry, and the First Minister has claimed that this goes toward those in the “blue light sector,” so she must urgently confirm whether her government has funded these brutal operators, and if so that it will stop immediately.”

Discussing a letter sent to the First Minister by the STUC Black Workers Committee, Mr Harvie added: 

“The First Minister recently received a letter from the STUC Black Workers Committee regarding Covid19 and highlighting that black and minority ethnic groups remain over-represented in the “at-risk” communities identified by the Government.

“Public Health England’s report on this issue has been criticised for simply telling us what we already know, instead of offering any explanation. It’s vital that the First Minister confirms what information and analysis into this issue will be published by the Scottish Government.”

The First Minister confirmed that she would reply to the letter today.