
Social security must be at the heart of every responsible government

social security is at the heart of our vision for a fairer, greener and better Scotland.

Social security must be at the heart of our vision for a fairer Scotland, says the Scottish Greens equalities spokesperson Maggie Chapman MSP.

Speaking in a Scottish Government debate on Delivering Record Social Security Investment in Scotland to Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis and Inequality, Ms Chapman will call for all MSPs to support social security and consider the impact of policies through the eyes of a child in poverty.

Speaking in the debate, Ms Chapman will say “Social security is at the heart of what a responsible government does, and what a responsible parliament cares about.

“It is a question of justice. The degree of inequality in our society goes far, far beyond anything that might be explained by natural variations of fortune, aspiration, hard work or talent.”

Ms Chapman will add “Inequality damages our whole society. And the traumatic effects of poverty harm not only individuals and families but also communities.

“We can be proud of what we’ve done here in Scotland: of our increased benefits, our respectful approach, our mitigation of Westminster cruelties, and most of all of the Scottish Child Payment.

Calling for Scotland to go further, Ms Chapman will say: “But we must do more. We must look at all our policies, our budget decisions and our proposed legislation from the perspective of a child in poverty, using the tools we have and developing those we need.

“We must continue to call out Westminster’s cruel and vindictive policies, its direct social security decisions, the inhumane two-child limit and punishing rape clause, but also its failures in reserved areas, especially energy, trade and immigration. 

“Social security that excludes children seeking sanctuary from the worst horrors of the world is neither social nor secure.  

Ms Chapman will conclude “At its best, social security is the essential oil that keeps our society, our communities and our families safe and secure and freed from want.”