Speed limit review needed after lockdown speeding stats revealed
Speed limits must be reviewed after lockdown speeding figures show an increase in the proportion of vehicles above the legal limit, the Scottish Greens have said.
Stats revealed in a written answer to Scottish Green MSP Mark Ruskell show up to a third of vehicles travelling on Transport Scotland roads during lockdown were speeding.
The call for review comes as lockdown easing has seen an increase in traffic on roads, and ahead of schools going back in August.
Commenting, Mark Ruskell said: “At a time when more people than ever are walking and cycling, it is unacceptable that there has been persistent dangerous driving. As traffic levels build up again this could present even more of a danger to those taking their daily exercise close to home, as per the government’s guidelines.
“That is why the Scottish Government needs to review speed limits, not just in our cities but also on minor rural roads which often do not have pavements but are important for walkers and cyclists. A number of rural councils are considering ‘Quiet Lane’ designations on rural roads of 40mph where motor vehicles share the space with walkers and cyclists, more of these are needed to lock in safety and health benefits.’
“The clock is now ticking on the return of schools after the Summer. Councils and the Scottish Government have a small window to get the right infrastructure and support in place to make safe cycling and walking the norm for the school run.
"It’s vital the Scottish Government put people’s safety first during this pandemic, not follow the direction the UK Government has taken in putting economic growth before lives.”