
SQA grading system may be illegal say Greens 

Speaking at a Scottish Parliament virtual questions session this afternoon, Scottish Greens Co-Leader Patrick Harvie MSP highlighted concerns from the Equality and Human Rights Commission that the SQA’s proposed grading system to replace this year’s exam diet may be illegal. 

The ECHR has said that it is, “concerned that the SQA have been unable to demonstrate that they have considered any equality issues in their work in this area, or that they have met their legal duties in this regard”. 

Patrick Harvie MSP said: 

“The SQA has failed to provide any evidence that its replacement for this year’s exams will meet its legal obligations, and I’m disappointed that the Education Secretary was unable to reassure me. We are faced with a situation where pupils whose teachers believe they should pass will instead be failed by the SQA through no fault of their own, but rather because of the historic exam results of their school. This is totally unacceptable and requires an urgent change of direction from the Scottish Government.”