

John Wilson MSP, employment spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, spoke out today about his concern over the mothballing of steel works plants in Central Scotland and the resultant job losses.

It was announced today that steel work plants in Motherwell and Cambuslang would be mothballed, resulting in the potential loss of over 270 jobs.

John Wilson, Independent MSP for Central Scotland, said:

“I am concerned for the employees and their families facing this terrible news. Job losses at such a tough time in the economy are a struggle for all those caught up in the unfortunate situation. I will continue to pressure the Scottish Government to support those out of work and to support local trades and business across Scotland; particularly in rural communities where local enterprise is of such importance.”

Mr Wilson commented on the significance of the steel work plants to the local communities in Motherwell and Cambuslang saying:

“These plants have been running in Lanarkshire for over 140 years and provide important work for those in the local community. The closure of these plants and the loss of jobs is hugely detrimental not just to those directly affected but to Lanarkshire as a whole. The workers families and the business in the local are that are supported by the steel workers will suffer as well. This closure is a devastating blow to Motherwell and Cambuslang.”

Mr Wilson further commented on the need for the Scottish Government to support those at risk:

“Over 270 people are facing loss of employment. We must take action and fight against these closures and protect the rights of working people across Scotland. It is important that the Scottish Government supports the work force and the local communities that have developed around steel work. These closures if not handled correctly could mark the end of steel work in Scotland.”

Further commenting on the role of important of protecting Scottish jobs Mr Wilson added:

“The Scottish Government, UK Government and European Commission needs to work on creating a system that helps Scottish steel workers compete with foreign markets without lowering wages or working standards. If the UK government can support bankers and financial services through difficult times it should be able to support important business in Scotland too.”