
Testing is critical to reducing spread of virus say Greens

Scotland needs a new strategy to rapidly build NHS testing capacity if we are to reduce the spread of coronavirus, Scottish Greens Parliamentary Co-Leader Alison Johnstone MSP has said.

Responding to the First Minister’s statement this afternoon Ms Johnstone also highlighted the urgent need to improve access to mental health support and extend employment support.

Alison Johnstone MSP said:

“The Scottish Greens have supported a precautionary approach to dealing with pandemic throughout and while these further restrictions will be very challenging, it’s quite clear that the virus hasn’t gone away, and additional action is needed to get on top of it.

“Months of restrictions has taken a huge toll on the country’s mental health and the thought of months more, while necessary, will be devastating for many. It’s vital that mental health support is made available to all who need it.

“The furlough scheme has been essential in supporting thousands of people who have been unable to work through no fault of their own. Bringing an end to furlough while introducing additional restrictions would be potentially dangerous and wrong. Support for workers, including the self-employed must be extended.

“To suppress and ultimately eradicate covid, we need the Scottish public to abide by these rules, but none of us should be in any doubt that it is enormous ask of everyone across the country, young and old. Equally, the Scottish Government must step up to that challenge and move mountains to make mass-testing happen in Scotland.

“Mass testing, including weekly tests for those who are at heightened risk of exposure to the virus because they work in our hospitals, schools or provide care, is critical and proven to reduce the spread of Covid. But if it’s to be delivered we need a new strategy in Scotland to rapidly build NHS Scotland’s capacity.”