The Time to Vote Green is Now
Scottish Greens will mark the final week of the election campaign today with a warning on the urgency of the climate emergency.
Co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater will highlight that with less than ten years before the deadline set by the Paris Agreement to keep global warming down, the time to vote green is now.
Speaking ahead of a photocall across from the SECC, which will host November’s global climate summit COP26, co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “We need urgent action on the climate emergency if we are going to secure our survival, and this election will be the last where we can still make a significant policy shift to a low-carbon economy. That’s why the time to vote green is now.
Lorna Slater said: “A vote for the Scottish Greens is a vote for investment in a green recovery that can reduce Scotland’s carbon emissions and build a fairer, greener economy. Scotland can lead European efforts to tackle the climate emergency as an independent nation, but only if we vote like our future depends on it next week.”