Tory MP condemned by Green MSP for gypsy travellers comments
John Finnie MSP, Justice spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, today (23 Aug) condemned comments by Tory MP Douglas Ross.
In an online interview, Mr Ross is asked what he would do if he were Prime Minister for a day, to which he replies: "Tougher enforcement against gypsy travellers."
It follows condemnation of the Tories by the Greens earlier this week after two Conservative councillors suspended for online abuse and racist comments were readmitted to Ruth Davidson's party.
John Finnie, Justice spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP for the Highlands and Islands, said:
“Douglas Ross was given an open goal, be PM and sort anything you want. He didn’t choose improving health, education or housing, he didn’t seek to eradicate poverty, work for a better planet or peace. Rather he chose to attack an already beleaguered minority, our Gypsy Travellers.
“Much like Donald Trump seemed emboldened the more outrageous he became, so Scotland’s Conservatives, whose ranks boast racists and sectarian bigots, keep up the nastiness.
“Douglas Ross is a former Justice Spokesperson for his Party and should know full well the discrimination faced by the Gypsy/Traveller community.
“Of course rather than defend that community Ross joins in the ignorant attacks they face on a daily basis.
“Douglas Ross should remember that he represents all of Moray’s constituents, not simply those who share his depressingly narrow outlook on the world.”