

Scottish Greens are welcoming tomorrow's demonstration (Sat 4 Apr) in Glasgow against the Clyde-based Trident nuclear weapons system, saying it will send a strong message to MPs elected in May to vote against renewal.

Glasgow MSP Patrick Harvie, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, will be among the speakers at the rally in George Square at noon.

The Scottish Greens, who are standing in 31 of Scotland’s 59 Westminster seats in May, want to see Trident scrapped, Nato membership rejected and defence funding diverted to the real priorities of humanitarian work, disaster relief and peacekeeping.

Nato commits members to sharing, maintaining and storing nuclear weapons and demands a minimum defence spend of 2 per cent of GDP.

Patrick Harvie MSP said:

"We have a chance to send a strong message that by repurposing our military and adapting to the threats of the 21st century we can leave the Cold War mentality behind and free up funds to create the jobs our society needs. Scotland is a nation of peace not international aggression. Those advocating renewal of Trident should think carefully how £100 billion could transform our communities."