

Scottish Greens are criticising broadcasters' proposals for high profile debates during the 2015 General Election campaign.

One UK-wide TV debate is expected to be a head-to-head with the Conservative and Labour leaders, a second will include the Libdems and a third will include them and Ukip. None will feature the Greens.

BBC Scotland intends to broadcast a peak-time Scottish debate featuring the SNP, Labour, Conservatives and Libdems but not the Greens.

STV says it will stage a debate featuring "relevant" party leaders but has not yet confirmed details.

Patrick Harvie MSP, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, said:

"These debates fail to reflect the truly unique situation Scotland now finds itself in, and we will be making representations to the broadcasters. People who voted Yes and No voted for change, with record numbers joining the Scottish Greens following the referendum.

"Greens across the UK are level pegging on polling with Libdems so should not be excluded from high profile TV debates featuring the Coalition's austerity cheerleaders. Greens have also regularly been ahead of Libdems in polls for the Scottish Parliament, and our membership is now more than twice theirs.

"TV debates are only one element in any election campaign, and Scottish Greens will be harnessing the energy of community activists and social media to get our message across. No matter what further devolution takes place, Westminster is where decisions will continue to be taken on the economy and international affairs, and Green voices need to be heard."