
UK Government are standing on Scotland’s coat tails say Greens

Scottish Greens respond to latest GERS report
New figures released by the Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland (GERS) report has again shown that the UK’s failed economic model is holding Scotland back compared to similar nations.
Scottish Greens finance spokesperson Ross Greer MSP said:
“Yet again the GERS figures show that the UK Government is standing on the coattails of Scotland’s economy, holding back our full potential.
“The UK has suffered from chronically low levels of investment and poor productivity for decades, under both Labour and Tory Westminster governments. Their economic policies haven’t worked for any part of the UK outside of London and the South East and they certainly haven’t worked for Scotland. That’s very clear when you compare our economy to neighbours like Denmark, Sweden or Norway.
“The Tories cut Scotland’s infrastructure budget by half a billion pounds this year alone, a decision Labour have refused to reverse despite affected projects like affordable housing and railways expansion being key to a productive economy.
“Labour claim to have the interests of Scotland at heart, but if that is the case they would have reversed the cuts to Scotland’s public services and ditched their promise to continue the Tories’ destructive spending policies.”