
UK Government must suspend exports of riot gear to US

MSPs will vote later on a call for the UK Government to suspend export licences for tear gas, rubber bullets and riot gear to the US in the wake of the response to protests about the killing of George Floyd.

In a parliamentary debate on Black Lives Matter, the amendment from the Scottish Greens also commits to establishing a museum on slavery in Scotland to address the lack of awareness of the country’s links to the slave trade.

Commenting, Scottish Greens co-leader and equalities spokesperson Patrick Harvie said:

“MSPs of all parties have expressed solidarity with those who are protesting against structural racism across the world in the wake of the killing of George Floyd. But it’s important that we turn that solidarity into action, whether that means tackling the poor outcomes still experienced by our black and ethnic minority communities to addressing the monuments to slavers on our streets.

“The UK cannot in good conscience supply tear gas and rubber bullets to police forces involved in the systematic targeting of black people. Those exports need to end.

“And if Scotland is to take on the essential message that Black Lives Matter, it is time we address our colonial past, and the truth of what that means is taught in our schools. A museum on slavery, such as they have in Liverpool, would be a big step forward for that self-awareness.”