
Vote Remain and help to build a better Europe

The Scottish Green Party will today (Monday) publish a letter to voters in Scotland, urging them to vote to remain in the EU in the upcoming referendum.

Launching the letter in Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh, Co-Convener Maggie Chapman will be joined by Lothian MSPs Alison Johnstone and Andy Wightman, and Europe spokesperson Ross Greer MSP, alongside local activists.

The letter calls on voters to look beyond the “shallow” debate on immigration and the economy and asks them to consider the progress already made in reforming the EU.

Maggie Chapman, Scottish Green Party Co-Convener, said:

“Today we appeal to every voter in Scotland to vote remain and help to build a better Europe.

“The debate so far has been dominated by a right-wing story that blames the EU for all our problems and says we need to shut our borders. This casual racism masks the fact that the same people leading the Leave campaign are the ones who have destroyed our social security system, supported tax evasion and imposed austerity on us all.

“Yet, by working with Greens and progressives across Europe, we have already made great progress in bringing the banks to bear for the havoc they’ve wreaked and we’ve shone a light on shady trade deals like TTIP.

“It’s only by working together with like minded people across the EU that we can make the changes that Europe so desperately needs.”