

Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party's campaign for a Yes vote in the referendum, is highlighting the food and drink sector as an example of how independence could help unleash economic revival and thousands of new jobs.

Green MSP Alison Johnstone, a member of Holyrood's economy committee,
yesterday (10 Sep) visited the pioneering Pillars of Hercules Farm in
Fife to discuss the opportunity an independent Scotland would have to
focus on rural and urban small business growth.

The Scottish Greens have published a briefing paper called An Economy
For All, which outlines how the party would use the powers of
independence to create a jobs-rich, fair and flourishing economy.

Alison Johnstone MSP said:

"Independence gives us an unrivalled opportunity to kick start economic
revival across Scotland, so we see more variety, better wages and more

"Scotland is famed for its great quality food production and has so
much potential. We have the opportunity to grow a sustainable industry
for rural communities, supporting everything from microbreweries to
dairies and from fruit growers to livestock producers.

"With full powers we could create a local banking network to support
jobs in the local economy and we could make EU procurement rules work
in favour of small and local suppliers bidding for public contracts.

"By taking control of economic policy, tax and regulation, and speaking
for ourselves in Europe, we can prioritise satisfying jobs and
locally-owned businesses in areas such as food and drink. That's the
sort of economic choice we would have with independence."


Jobs-rich, fair and flourishing, An Economy for All (Green Yes)