
 Who are the Dumfries & Galloway Greens? 

Dumfries & Galloway Greens, even without any councillors, have achieved a great deal. Whether it’s campaigning for better local bus services, fighting to end peat extraction or being the main force behind calls to reopen the Stranraer-Dumfries rail line, we’re constantly working to improve people’s lives and protect our environment.

The Dumfries & Galloway branch is one of the many regional branches of the Scottish Green Party. Each SGP branch is reasonably autonomous, with control over their own campaigns, resources and key policies. D&G are known in the Green Party for being one of the fastest growing, most progressive branches in Scotland.

Dumfries & Galloway Greens face a challenge in having no Green representation at both local and national government, but this doesn’t stop us from pushing for change. In the 2021 national elections Laura Moodie was just pipped at the post by the SNP for the Regional list seat - it was very close with the BBC predicting that the Scottish Greens would take it. In the 2022 Council elections we had the highest number of votes that we have ever had, but unfortunately we did not quite manage to get a Councillor elected.

We campaign, leaflet and canvass year round, every year, in as many towns and villages as we can, because politics doesn’t just happen at election time. Decision-making takes place every day, and Dumfries & Galloway Greens want to make sure that our decision-makers are governing in the best interest of our people and planet.