We are the Strling and Clackmannanshire branch of the Scottish Green Party. More information about the Scottish Green Party is available on their web site.
We have members throughout the Stirling and Clackmannanshire area. We meet every 4 to 6 weeks, usually in Stirling to discuss activities and campaigns. We will post details of our next meeting on this website and on our twitter page https://twitter.com/stirlinggreens
Your Local Representatives
Following serving as Stirling Council's first Scottish Green Councillor from May 2012, Mark Ruskell was elected as a regional MSP for the Scottish Greens for Mid Scotland and Fife in 2016, joining a record 6 Green MSPs in Scottish Parliament. You can follow Mark on twitter here.
In the the last local elections, Alasdair Tollemache was elected to the Dunblane and Bridge of Allan Ward and now represents the Scottish Green Party in Stirling Council. You can follow Alasdair on twitter here.
Alasdair has lived in the Stirling area for nearly 40 years, both in rural and urban communities. He has worked in both the public and third sectors, these jobs have included Water treatment, waste disposal and recycling, setting up and running a bicycle reuse project (recyke-a-bike) and recently leading a team supporting charities . Alasdair was retired before being elected a councillor and continues to work in a voluntary capacity for a charity in Stirling. Alasdair is the Fairtrade councillor for stirling council. Alasdair enjoys cycling and walking and has completed many long distances bicycle rides for charity and in particular completed a 1000 miles ride through Europe
Contact Us
If you want to contact us for any reason, we can be reached by email at stirling@scottishgreens.org.uk.
If you want to be kept up to date on our activities please follow us on Facebook and Twitter @stirlinggreens.
You can get information about joining and donating the Scottish Green Party here.