Gillian Mackay MSP and the Scottish Greens believe Bellshill deserves better.
We support the Oval residents and wider community objections to the proposal which would see two industrial warehouses erected, with car parking and distribution yard just metres from residential dwellings.
We believe this proposal should be rejected for the following reasons.
- This site is unsuitable for industrial use
- This proposal is contrary to the aims of the North Lanarkshire Partnership (NLP) in general and Development Strategy Policy specifically
- This proposal will have a negative impact on residential amenity: increased disturbance like noise pollution, light pollution and a loss of privacy
- The proposed development has insufficient landscaping
- This proposal will have a negative impact on residential amenity: late night activities including increased vehicle movements resulting in light and noise pollution
- This proposal is not in keeping with the style of the area
- The layout and density of the proposed development is inappropriate and overdeveloped for the area
- This proposal will damage the natural environment and a significant loss of trees will occur
- The cumulative impact of this development when considered alongside other development will have an adverse impact on the area
- This proposal will have environmental health impacts-hazardous materials risk
Email North Lanarkshire Council and ask them to reject this proposal to build two new industrial warehouses with car parking and a distribution yard.