
This election could not be more important. We are hurtling towards climate hell, and it’s plain for all to see.

Every month for the last year has set a new global temperature record, and extreme and deadly weather events have become the new norm. Scientists are clear that the battle to avoid climate catastrophe will be lost or won over the next five years. A new UK Government could still take the decisive action that is needed to lead the global transition to a clean, green economy. Our future depends on it.

In government, the Scottish Greens have shown we can deliver. Every child and young person can now travel by bus for free and we brought Scotrail into public ownership and scrapped peak fares. Decisive action that is now helping families across Scotland save money and choose low carbon, sustainable transport. This is what the Scottish Greens bring to the table: real change that delivers for people and planet. This manifesto sets out that programme of real change. In it, we lay out Green solutions across areas reserved to the UK Government that Scotland urgently needs if we are to build a greener, fairer and prosperous country and fulfil our commitment to tackle the climate emergency.

This is the choice that the people of Scotland face at this election. Decisive action to avert climate catastrophe and build a green and prosperous economy, to invest in public services, to shift power and wealth to workers and households, and to welcome migrants and asylum seekers. Decisive action to secure Scotland’s future as an independent country in the EU.

This is the future that the Scottish Greens will build, so at this election we hope you will vote like your future depends on it - vote Scottish Greens.

Lorna Slater MSP and Patrick Harvie MSP

Audio Manifesto


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