
The Scottish Greens are calling for the Scottish Government to adopt a policy of not publicising - or accepting sponsorship from - fossil fuel corporations during and in the run up to the COP26 climate summit in November 2021. The host country adopting such a clear policy will put pressure on countries around the world to do the same thing, and together we can kick the fossil fuel lobbyists out of COP. You can help by emailing the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change, calling on her to make Scotland a real global climate leader rather than cosying up to fossil fuel lobbyists. 

As COP26 arrives in Glasgow next November, all eyes will be on Scotland.  World leaders will gather together at the world’s biggest climate conference to make important decisions on how to tackle the crisis facing us all.

As the planet continues to warm, it is vital that solutions are found to prioritise the phasing out of carbon emissions, and the slowing down of climate change. We need radical, progressive solutions which will tackle the climate crisis, support those who are experiencing climate breakdown already and produce a better world for people and planet.

Large corporations responsible for the majority of the damage to our planet, our health, and our communities – both in Scotland and around the world – will be looking to influence decisions at the COP.  They will have lots of money to spend on fringe events, dinners, receptions, seminars, and any other way they can use sponsorship and publicity to greenwash their destructive activities.  

Companies such as BP and Shell are still committed to maximum extraction of North Sea oil & gas, despite it being completely incompatible with the need to drastically reduce carbon emissions. The Scottish Government, likewise, also believe that we can achieve maximum extraction of fossil fuel resources and still keep gloabl temperatures below 1.5 degrees. This is unrealistic and there should be no place for these companies at the COP26 summit. Cosying up to climate-destroying corprations is not real climate leadership.

Please take action now by by emailing the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change, calling on her to make Scotland a real global climate leader rather than cosying up to fossil fuel lobbyists. 


Email the Cabinet Secretary for Climate and ask her to adopt a policy of not publicising or accepting sponsorship from fossil fuel corporations. Please also add your name to the end of the letter.

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