Glasgow’s precious greenbelt is under threat.
A private developer – Caledonian Properties – wants to build at least 500 houses on protected greenbelt land, north of Summerston. A Council feasibility study linked to the proposal concluded that there was already enough brownfield land in the city to provide the homes people need, and that a car-centric development like this would fly in the face of the city declaring a climate emergency. We need to take action now to stop this act of environmental vandalism for private profit.
Caledonian Properties’ initial planning application, submitted in December 2019, resulted in over 100 objections from the local community. As well as the loss of the greenbelt, residents were concerned about traffic, air pollution and damage to a nearby site of special scientific interest (SSSI).
The developer is using every trick in the book to get their way. First, they’ve challenged the Council’s feasibility study and it had to be pulled from a Committee meeting.
Now, they’ve withdrawn the original planning application and resubmitted new plans, meaning those who oppose them must also put in fresh objections. The deadline for objections is Friday 8th January which means any response has to be organised over the holiday period.
We shouldn’t let them get away with this. The community doesn't want this development and allowing it could further undermine the city’s greenbelt, harming nature, and increasing emissions.
We’ve prepared a template objection which you can send directly to the Council’s planning department. Please take action to protect Glasgow’s greenbelt.
You can also make objections directly via the Council's online planning portal or by email to