Keep up to date with the Glasgow Greens

Glasgow Greens & Rainbow Greens criticise Glasgow’s Pride organisers and urge attendees to stand in solidarity with Palestine

nmc63911 Tue 16 Jul, 2024

Scottish Greens will always fight for LGBTQ+ people but that will not stop us from standing with Palestine or fighting the climate crisis

Green Councillor brings motion on real Local Democracy

nmc63911 Thu 7 Dec, 2023

At todays full council meeting at Glasgow City Chambers, Green Councillor Anthony Carroll is bringing forward a motion on the Democracy Matters consultation with the Scottish Government, & recommendations to improve Community Councils & wider community engagement. The Glasgow Green Party is dedicated to the realisation of radical local democracy and our representatives are working hard across all levels to make this a reality.


nmc63911 Tue 21 Nov, 2023

A multi-million pound funding package from the Scottish Government has been announced that will save under-threat health workers across Glasgow after campaigning by GPs, trade unions and Glasgow Green councillors.

The Scottish Government announced on Thursday that £3.6million will be provided over the next three years in helping to maintain the current amount of Community Link Practitioners (CLPs) in Glasgow.

Investment in local parks

nmc63911 Thu 17 Aug, 2023

Local Green councillor Dan Hutchison has welcomed news of funding for Plantation Park to increase the tree cover and resurface the footpaths and play area.