Five Reasons to Vote Green #1

  1. Only Greens understand the urgency of the climate crisis. Our councillors' track record proves we will take the decisive action needed for a fast and fair transition to net zero - meaning warmer homes, safer streets, and healthier lives.
  2. Rubbish piling up on our streets is unacceptable. Greens will change the "Council knows best" culture and co-design solutions to Glasgow's waste crisis together with communities and workers.
  3. Glasgow is long overdue a transport revolution - and that means radical action now. Greens will deliver cleaner, greener, publicly-run and increasingly free travel that meets everyone’s needs.
  4. We will tackle the housing crisis with rent controls, more social housing, and better enforcement powers.
  5. We know the value of community power. Greens will support communities to organise and get the change they need. We will bring the energy of grassroots activism - from climate strikes to trades and tenant unions - into the city chambers.

You can trust Greens to deliver for Glasgow and the planet.

For a Greener and Fairer Glasgow Vote Scottish Greens #1 on 5th May.

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