
Buffer zones go live: a crucial day for reproductive rights

Buffer zones will protect patients and staff from intimidation and harassment.

The introduction of safe access zones, or ‘buffer zones’, to stop anti-choice protesters from targeting abortion service providers is a crucial day for healthcare and reproductive rights in Scotland, says Scottish Green MSP Gillian Mackay.

The zones, which will go live today, were introduced as a result of Ms Mackay’s Safe Access Zones Scotland Act, which was passed in June with the support of 118 MSPs from across the Chamber.

From today, there will be 200 metre wide safe access zones, or buffer zones, around abortion service providers to stop the intimidating anti-choice protests that have taken place across Scotland.

Ms Mackay said: “This is a crucial day for reproductive rights and healthcare in Scotland. I hope that it will be the end of the intimidation and harassment we have seen of people who are accessing healthcare.

“Right from the first moment I saw footage of the protests, I could see how much damage they were doing and how many people were being impacted by them. I knew that I had to do everything I could to stop them.

“Over the days and weeks ahead, I will be working with the Scottish Government to ensure that patients and staff know where protesters can and can't be so that they can report any activity that is against the law.

“I am grateful to everyone who has supported the introduction of buffer zones, whether that is MSPs and Ministers or campaign groups like Back Off Scotland. I am particularly grateful to the many people who shared what I know were often difficult and traumatic stories with me. 

“I hope that this is a turning point and the beginning of the end of the protests, and that nobody else will have to endure them.”

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