
European Green Party calls on UK to agree a timeframe for independence referendum

The European Green Party and Scottish Green Party have issued a joint statement [1] calling on the UK government to respect Scotland’s right to self-determination and agree on a timeframe for an independence referendum.

Noting the shortcomings of devolution, the broken promises made during the 2014 referendum, and the damage done by a Brexit roundly rejected by the Scottish electorate, the statement recognises that without respect for this right the Union is being “imposed upon the people of Scotland" without any means of expressing their democratic consent.

The European Green Party consists of 36 member parties across the European Union and beyond, including parties of government in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg and Montenegro.

The joint statement said:

“The [European Green Party] supports the position of the Scottish Green Party, and together we call on the UK government to respect Scotland's right to self-determination and agree on a timeframe with the Scottish Government for granting a Section 30 order and enabling the Scottish Parliament to legislate for a legal referendum in which the people of Scotland can democratically express their opinion on whether or not Scotland should become an independent country or remain part of the United Kingdom.”