
Funding proposal for GP practices welcomed by Greens

A new funding formula proposed by the BMA,  aimed at providing more money for GP practices in deprived areas, has been welcomed by the Greens.

The formula is one of several new measures in a proposed new contract for general practice in Scotland and Alison Johnstone MSP, health spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, says her party has been campaigning on the issue for some time, highlighting how GP practices in more deprived areas currently receive only £2.28 more per patient.

Lothian MSP Alison Johnstone said:

“This proposed contract by the BMA will go some way to addressing many GP concerns. As Scottish Greens have stressed to government ministers, currently GPs working in deprived communities with greater workloads are only getting an extra £2.28 per patient. But with fairer funding for these patients, GPs could allow for longer consultation times with those who need it most.

“If we're serious about reducing health inequality in society we must increase and target our resources.”