
Greer says Dungavel replacement must treat people humanely

Green MSP Ross Greer says Dungavel’s replacement building in Renfrewshire should not be a carbon copy of the original South Lanarkshire facility.

With the detention centre due to close next year, Greer is now keen for the focus to be on the UK government shifting to a more “humane” immigration outlook.

West of Scotland MSP, Ross Greer, said:

“The closure will be welcomed by the thousands of people traumatised by their treatment in the prison, who were held against their will in spite of not committing a crime. The new facility is an opportunity for the UK government to begin treating these vulnerable people with some dignity and respect. We’re not holding our breath however, given that this is the Home Office which paid for disgusting billboards telling refugees and immigrants to ‘go home’ and which regularly deports people back to situations where they are in clear danger.”

Greer added:

“Given that the new facility is in my West of Scotland region, I’ll be visiting as soon as possible to ensure that Dungavel’s failings are not repeated in Renfrewshire.”