
New poll shows Greens crucial in independence majority

A new opinion poll for the Holyrood elections shows the Scottish Greens winning a record number of seats and playing a crucial riole in securing a pro-independence majority in the Scottish Parliament.

The latest poll for Savanta ComRes shows the SNP would be short of a majority but with the Scottish Greens on 10% for the regional list vote, pro-independence parties would still have a comfortable majority.

Scottish Greens co-leader Lorna Slater said: “Polling has consistently showed the Scottish Greens winning more seats than ever before, and this reflects the many things we have delivered through constructive opposition, like fairer taxes, free school meals, bus travel for under 22s and a public sector pay rise.

“But this poll also shows the Scottish Greens could be crucial in securing a majority of MSPs in favour of Scotland having a say over our own future. When Scottish Labour deselects a candidate for even contemplating a referendum on independence, it shows only the Greens can provide that positive, progressive vision for a new Scotland.”