
Scotland can have a new and progressive vision for citizenship after independence

With independence we can have a positive and inclusive vision for citizenship

An independent Scotland can offer a positive, progressive and inclusion vision of citizenship after independence, say the Scottish Greens.

The call comes as the Scottish Government launches its new whitepaper on citizenship in an independent Scotland, a positive and welcoming vision that has been co-produced by the Scottish Greens.

The proposed system would make it easier and more affordable for people to become Scottish citizens. This would come with all of the rights that will be enshrined in the constitution that we will write together as an independent nation.

For people who have left Scotland to live elsewhere, these proposals would make it easier to maintain a sense of connection through a system that enables citizenship to be passed through generations, much like in Ireland.

Scottish Greens Co-leader, Lorna Slater MSP, said:

“I have experienced a very warm welcome since arriving in Scotland in 2000, with so many people telling me that “if you live in Scotland, you are Scottish”. I am proud to be part of a Scottish Government that wants to take that further.

“This is a progressive and inclusive vision for citizenship, one that recognises people’s dignity and stands in stark contrast to the hostile environment and hurdles that have been put in place by successive UK governments.

“This proposal says a lot about the kind of country we aspire to be: one that is welcoming, and generous. We want to include people, make them part of our community and let them know that they have value.

“As well as being the right thing to do, this approach is vital for Scotland’s future. By offering a positive and straightforward system of citizenship we can encourage people to come to Scotland to contribute to our society and our economy.

“By re-joining the EU as soon as possible after independence, Scottish citizens will regain what we lost due to Brexit: the freedom to work, study, live and love in 31 nations across Europe.

“The future is bright for an independent Scotland. We can be part of building something new and better."