
Vapes take back scheme can prevent environmental disaster

Disposable vapes are polluting our streets and communities.

A vape take back scheme must be rolled out across all four nations of the UK as quickly as possible to prevent an environmental disaster, say the Scottish Greens.

Gillian Mackay MSP - who has spearheaded a campaign to ban disposable vapes - warned the new UK government must progress action on making sure all vaping products can be returned and recycled by producers rather than dumped.

Ms Mackay, the Scottish Greens health spokesperson, said: “We have already proven the case that disposable vapes are not only a health risk, but a scourge on our environment.

“But we know from the industry that up to 80% of vapes can be recycled depending on the brand, and there must be a duty to make that process as easy and effective as possible.

“Some responsible retailers are already offering facilities for vapes to be disposed of in store, but this shouldn’t be an opt in - it should be compulsory and widespread. 

“Vapes are being dumped on an almost industrial scale. But we can take preventative measures by making it easy, or even incentivising, people to do the right thing and recycle their duds. 

“That is where governments can come in by working closely with producers, retailers and even local authorities to clean up our streets and parks at source. 

“It is clear there is an appetite among the public for action to be taken, there has been the political will for this to happen. What is stopping us?

“I’m calling on politicians from across the political spectrum to make this a priority in the new sessions so that together we can prevent an environmental disaster from unfolding before our very eyes.”

More in Ban Disposable Vapes