
Make sure you voice your objection to plans for a drive through restaurant at 675 Paisley Road West. The deadline is Thursday 11th November

What is it?

There is an application for a new drive through restaurant in the grounds of the BP Garage at 675 Paisley Road West.

Full planning document details here.

Why object?

Drive throughs can come at a big environmental and social cost, increasing traffic and air pollution for local residents. Not only will it bring more cars into the area but is an issue of road safety as will make the busy crossing points near the BP Garage even more difficult for local residents.

At Full Council in September 2021, Glasgow Council recognised that it needs to do its part to tackle the climate emergency, including plans to curb the introduction of new drive throughs in the city. The council has a long term strategy to increase walking, cycling and wheeling and reduce car use. This proposal will have the opposite effect. Drive throughs not only increase harmful emissions and entrench car use, but increase traffic congestion.

We already have drive through Starbucks, KFC and McDonalds in the nearby Helen Street retail park, we do not need any more for Ibrox, especially in such a densely populated residential area.

How can I object?

You can use our auto-submission tool on the right hand side of this page to submit a standard objection  - feel free to include your own points and make sure you inlcude your name, address and postcode or the objection will not be accepted.

Or, you can write your own email. Make sure you quote reference: 21/02974/FUL and include your name and address as a Glasgow resident. State if you are Objecting to the proposal, and then just write what your concerns are. Bullet points are fine. Send your email to

More information here:

This consultation has now closed.

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