
Greens want action to avoid North Sea leak repeat

A gas well leak in the North Sea must see the Scottish Government “accelerate” the transition away from fossil fuels say the Greens

The party’s energy and environment spokesperson, Mark Ruskell MSP says the government’s energy strategy should include policies that help employ workers in “low carbon industries of the future” and avoid repeats of the leak from the Elgin B platform.

Mid Scotland and Fife MSP, Mark Ruskell said:

"The Elgin-Franklin field has been dogged with technical problems and this latest incident calls into question its entire viability. It's more important than ever that the Scottish and UK government's accelerate our transition away from dependency on oil and gas which is only going to get harder, riskier and more expensive to extract in the decades to come. The Scottish Government's energy strategy needs to provide the right policies to accelerate that transition now, taking workers into the low carbon industries of the future."