
Scots back Greens ideas for oil and gas

Almost two thirds of Scots back Scottish Green plans to begin the transition of jobs away from oil and gas and wind down extraction in the North Sea, according to a new poll.

In a blow to Scottish Conservative attempts to scaremonger over the subject, a survey of Scots has shown 66% believe the UK Government should redirect oil and gas subsidies to renewables and low carbon industries. Only the Scottish Greens propose such a plan.

The survey for environmental charity Uplift shows as much as 72% believe there should be financial backing for oil and gas workers to retrain so they can work in the renewables sector.

Responding, Scottish Greens co-leader and Just Transition spokesperson Lorna Slater said:

“This survey is a blow for the Scottish Tories, who are scaremongering about a just transition while their UK Government continues to back new licenses and exploration for ever more oil.

“The public clearly recognise the urgency required to tackle the climate emergency and they want a plan. That means providing alternative futures for communities that rely on the fossil fuel industry now, by investing in Scotland’s huge renewable energy potential, not waiting until we’ve extracted every last bit of oil.

“The simple fact is this is not optional. Our future depends on us acting now, and this poll shows the public provide a mandate for governments to do it.”