
Scottish Greens call for UK Government to halt new oil and gas exploration

Commenting on the decision to open a new licensing round for oil and gas exploration licences for the North Sea, the Scottish Greens energy and environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP said: 

“This is a brutal slap in the face to any person, anywhere in the world that is terrified about the impacts of climate change. If this kind of climate vandalism is allowed to go ahead it will spark more scenes of misery and devastation in those areas already dealing with the impacts, and is tantamount to a death sentence for tens of thousands of others.

“We can’t drill our way out of this crisis. Even trying to is totally incompatible with our international obligations. We need to be planning for a future beyond oil and gas, not doubling down on it. That means halting all new drilling and investing in a just transition to renewables.

“The climate crisis is the biggest crisis that we will ever face. It is the biggest challenge facing this generation and all future generations. All governments need to take it seriously and take the climate action that is so badly needed. 

“Every day that the UK government and others spend on these failed, damaging and anti-climate policies is another day that has been wasted. The longer that action is delayed the more extensive it will have to be.”