Our Common Future | Our Land, Seas and Environment

Food and Farming

Farming is the third biggest source of climate emissions in Scotland, yet the Scottish Government has done little to tackle the problem. The Scottish Greens will deliver a revised agriculture and food policy, helping tackle the climate and nature emergencies, protecting our natural resources, and supporting rural communities and green job creation.

Green Impact

Scottish Green achievements in the last 5 years include:

  • Secured agreement on reducing emissions from farming in the Climate Change Bill
  • Won recognition for the role of agroecology in tackling the climate and nature emergencies


On average, £775m of public money is spent every year on farming subsidies, but Scotland is lagging behind Europe and the rest of the UK in ensuring this funding tackles the climate and nature emergencies.

The Scottish Greens will:


The Scottish Greens will bring forward a Good Food Nation Bill that establishes an integrated food policy, tackling the health, social and environmental impacts of food. It will enshrine the Right to Food in Scots law, oblige the Scottish Government to deliver a statutory National Food Plan, and reform procurement law to oblige public kitchens to source food from more small local businesses and organic producers. It will also oblige the Government

to fund local emergency food and food resilience networks, ensuring everyone can access good food in times of crisis. This will be overseen by a statutory Food Commission, charged with a duty to ensure the right to food is maintained and that decisions in areas such as health, planning, and education contribute towards a positive food environment.


Support high farming standards


Build thriving rural communities and support sustainable food and farming businesses


Support education and research into climate friendly and restorative agriculture


Prioritise building resilient local food economies over export driven markets


Ensure food policy delivers our national health goals


Ensure fair work and fair pay in the entire food chain


Manifesto Chapters