Our Common Future | Our Economy and Infrastructure


Access to adequate housing is a fundamental human right, but dramatic increases in costs and a poor selection of housing tenures coupled with lack of investment has created a housing crisis.

Our aim is that everyone has access to affordable, safe, comfortable and energy efficient housing. We want to end homelessness within the next ten years and create a sustainable, affordable housing sector that Scotland can be proud of.

Where public housing is an attractive and attainable choice for all who want it, where the private sector is regulated, well-maintained and affordable, and where all homes are low-carbon and sustainable.

Green Impact

Scottish Green achievements in the last 5 years include:

  • Secured a winter eviction ban during the pandemic
  • Ensured students were able to give notice to private student accommodation providers during the pandemic
  • Won a tenant’s hardship fund


Everyone in Scotland should have a warm home that they can afford to heat. As a priority, the Scottish Greens will put in place a home upgrade programme ensuring that all homes reach a minimum Energy Performance Standard C or above by 2030, reducing the average household energy costs by £270 per year. Simultaneously, we aim for heating homes to be zero carbon by 2040. We will support this programme through new legislation that provides absolute clarity and certainty for the sector, including homeowners, landlords, tenants, and those in the supply chain, allowing us to deliver the programme at the lowest possible cost and to maximise the wider economic and social benefits.
At least £500m of public investment will be made every year to deliver this goal for homes and other buildings, creating over 75,000 jobs and leveraging £7.5 billion in private investment.

Underlying this programme will be the principle of a just transition. No home will be left behind, allowing everyone to enjoy the health, financial and wellbeing benefits of upgraded homes, and we guarantee that those in fuel poverty will benefit from the transition.

We will:


Renting in Scotland is expensive and insecure. Too many tenants pay extortionate amounts to live in damp, cold, and overcrowded homes. Landlords currently receive substantial support but lack accountability to their tenants. We will legislate to transform the private rented sector, providing greater security for tenants, regulating rents and improving standards.

We will:


A century ago, Scotland’s councils built public housing in response to a severe housing crisis.

Now we need to do this again. There is still a severe lack of public housing, with an estimated 70,000 children on the waiting list for a socially rented home. We want to raise the status and availability of public housing. Anyone who wants a good quality home at an affordable rent should be given this opportunity.

We will:


Housing costs, including fuel and maintenance, are driving many people into poverty. The Scottish Greens will introduce a cross-cutting goal of ensuring that housing costs represent no more than 25% of a household’s income.

To increase the supply of housing, we will:

In addition to our new deal for renters, to tackle excessive rents we will:



Raise the quality and status of rural housing

Revitalise Scotland’s tenements

Make the planning system deliver quality homes

Deliver a better deal for student renters


Manifesto Chapters